U.S. Army Counterintelligence Command

The Kansas City Resident Agency for Army Counterintelligence conducts full spectrum Counterintelligence Investigations, Operations, and Collection activities for the Army Enterprise to protect Army Active Duty, Army Reserve and National Guard forces, information and technologies. The Kansas City Resident Agency will advise and assist Unit Security Programs, provide training and education on the Threat Awareness and Reporting Program (TARP), enabling Army personnel to remain vigilant against Foreign Intelligence Entities, International Terrorist threats and Insider Threats, and prepare Counterintelligence Threat and Vulnerability Assessments to protect Army assets throughout a 6-state Area of Operation which includes N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri and Iowa.

"without a maximum of knowledge, you are unable to put spies successfully in place." -Sun Tzu

To Contact the Kansas City Office:

Kansas City Resident Agency
731 McClellan Avenue, Building 48
Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027
Office: 913-684-7878 | 913-684-7856 | 913-684-7857 | 913-684-7880

NIPRNET: usarmyfortleavenworthusacicregioniiikcra@army.mil